Monday, October 7, 2019

One highlight colour

On the Olympus camera range after the OMD 5 this is part of the art filters. I have the OMD5. The OMD5 offers the filters as displayed in this blog

So I resort to Photoshop and Lightroom. First I want to have a shot at a lego image.

In Lightroom the process seems to be to remove the saturation of all colours except the one you want to keep. In the lego photo here I reduced the saturation of all the lego colours to 0 except the blue. This still left me with some purple for some reason so I changed the hue of purple to blue - hence the multiple colours of blue in image 1.

I wish I had glasses that would actually change the colours - much easier to help the kids find their lego pieces!

The next image is not as bright as the lego one.  I was interested in the orange around the face in this one and the almost mask like colour over the eyes. For this I tried out the steps that are followed in Photoshop. I followed these instructions.

First load the photo into photoshop.  This comes in as the background layer. Then duplicate the layer so that you have two identical layers.

Click on the background layer and using the key combination Control Shift U to desaturate the whole layer and turn it to black and white.

Then click on the duplicate layer and using the Select then Colour Range menu options you can use the eye dropper to select the colours that you want to keep.

There is a click box that says Invert. Clicking this changes the selection to everything except the colour you want to keep. Click OK to get back to the image.

Making sure you are still on the duplicate layer then click delete.  All of the image will disappear except the colour you have selected. With the background layer showing through as black and white you will have your new image with one highlight colour.

I left a bit of orange in the leaves but maybe this detracts from the face highlight. I'll leave it for now.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Editing photos for a range of different effects - Aileen Tesoriero

Choosing the software to edit your photos can be a challenge as there is a large range of software available to everyone. You can even get edit software to use on your phone or tablet.

What effects to apply all depends on your view of the world. What I like you may not like. What photos to use is also a personal choice exercise. So I choose four photos taken on our photoshoot at St. Kilda pier. I choose PhotoScapeX Pro to add effects to the four images.

I was so taken by the Kiosk at the end of St. Kilda pier I tried two different effects, the first is called “Emboss”. This gives the appearance of a raised image of the paper.

What you can do with Polarising Filters by Paul Greening

The filter cuts the reflection
and allows you to see
what’s under the surface

If you have used ever used polarised sunglasses you will have an idea of what they can do to reduce glare and reflections.

In photography you can get a polarising lens filter that does a similar thing.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

The Newbie - An interesting article on shutter speed

There just seem to be so many things to worry about with your camera.  You can select Aperture priority and set auto focus and let the camera take care of most things - right?  But then it gets a bit darker and the photos don't look so good.  Here's a great article that discusses the role of shutter speed in making better photos.